This is the view from my hotel balcony on our last day in Key West. It's hard to imagine 21 degree weather back in New York. Well, it was good while it lasted.
Our hotel (the Westin) has been an amazing place to stay. Highly recommended.

We've eaten some terrific Cuban food in Key West.
It's a fish-eye lens kind of day with the beautiful blue sky and great scenes everywhere.
This is the Museum of Art and History at the Custom House in Key West. The Custom House was built in 1891 and served as a post office, court house and government center.
Fresh pineapple juice is delicious in Key West.
The famous Sloppy Joe's on Duval Street. Although Hemingway actually drank at the location on Greene Street around the corner this establishment is the hub of Duval Street frivolity.
The absolute best key lime pie in Key West. Believe me we tested extensively and the Key Lime 'n' More shop on Greene Street is the one to have. I can't vouch for the Key Lime pie on a stick as we didn't try it, but others who did claim it is amazing. You can only take so much of a good thing, even in Key West.
My brother Bob and Sue with our new friend Robert from the Glass Bottom Boat tour. Bob and Sue were resting after sharing a slice of Key Lime pie and cafe con leche.
Robert hawking his wares.
It's all about the juice.
Ok, I'm done with the 16mm fish-eye lens for today. It was fun getting a new perspective on Key West.
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